Unique! Cave theater in the Caves of Pertosa


A show ever seen, with the stunning scenery Caves of Pertosa. The descent of Odysseus in search of the diviner Tiresias. This is the plot of the next piece of vision. A magical event that is part of the program of a new project to develop the Caves, caving only site in Europe where you can browse an underground river penetrating to the heart of a mountain. In short, a cavern of the earth, the pearl of the Parco Nazionale del Cilento. Ulysses for the journey to Hades, will be impressive as mentioned, the staging that will host the traveling theater festival. Here, the heroic characters of Homer will mingle among the spectators, becoming their fellow boat inside the caves, and with them will pass by the outside light to the darkness of the earth in the flow of the whole affair narrator.

All this on the bill, Saturday 19 and Sunday, December 20th. In other date, and that is the most forward of Sunday, December 27, also in this case with three replicates, the same caves become the setting for Sweet dreams, Mr. Scrooge, a new show of striking adaptation of the famous hymn Christmas of Charles Dickens. In short two shows where the fusion of lyrics and musical notes along with the enchanting location will produce a unique effect. A magical evening.

The schedule of performances of the shows

Ulysses: the journey to Hades

Saturday, December 19 three replicates: 17 hours – 19 hours – 21 hours

Sunday, December 20 three replicates: 17 hours – 19 hours – 21 hours

Sweet dreams, Mr. Scrooge

Sunday, December 27 three replies: 17 hours – 19 hours – 21 hours

To book contact numbers 331.3169215 – 392.3501780 or info.demiurgo@gmail.com