Naples, the capital of modern and contemporary Art

mostra d'arte

Writing Naf reads “Napoli Arte Fiera”, the first trade show of modern and contemporary art of Central and Southern Italy, which will open in the capital of Campania May 23 to 25 at Mostra d’Oltremare of Fuorigrotta.

Three days intense and colorful, which will feature exhibitors, selected among the most important and renowned art galleries and among national best Italian and foreign artists, which will offer visitors-lovers an anthology of works of the highest level.

Watchwords: contamination and “plot”. The art world for once, will not, in fact, presented to distinct areas, territorial, chronological or stylistic, but as a unique and at the same time varied, in the logic of evolution continues to own the art suggests.

The goal is ambitious: to provide the six thousand square meters of exposure (Halls 5 and 6) a 360 degree view of the current trends and guidelines of expression to the many operators, investors and collectors, from Italy and abroad, anticipated event, which will see the artists in the exhibition also the eclectic Betty Bee.

For all visitors, the opportunity to delve into unusual visual paths ranging among the most important artistic movements, admiring undisputed masterpieces up to lead the art of topical and unpublished experiments of contemporary artists.