Blast from the past between sport and art with “Isolimpia 2015”

terme di agnano

Will the Virgilian Park and Terme di Agnano to do by location, 23 to 27 September, 2015 edition of “Isolimpia” inspired by a great sporting event and artistic set in Neàpolis imperial, that the association Amartea has “rediscovered” and proposes, in Naples, in a modern way.

A unique event, which brings the power and charm of history. Numerous texts and inscriptions, in fact, show that in Neapolis, already conquered by the Roman Empire, but still tied to its Greek ancestry, had place – every five years – of contests similar to those that were held at Olympia. Games, which included two distinct categories: the young and the professionals, who came from all over the known world. Among the disciplines practiced, horse racing, athletics, boxing and various forms of struggle, and the pentathlon athletes of different races circus horses.

But Isolimpia were known and called attention also because at the core sports, borrowed from Olimpia, the Neapolitans had added something new, which is a series of theatrical and musical events, attended even Nerone, Stazio and other poets then in vogue.

As it provided since the first edition, in addition to reconfirm the presence of all disciplines which have more affinity with those practiced in the ancient world, for the 2015 edition participation in Isolimpia was extended to other Olympic sports.

And, among the goodies, the recovery of the oldest sports competition in which we know to Neapolis: the race with torches, scheduled on September 23 starting at 18.30, from Castel dell’Ovo, open to athletes and torchbearers, but also to “mere mortals”, the organizers advise the requirement to obtain windproof torch and an ear. For those wishing, instead, waiting for the arrival, the appointment is in the courtyard of the Maschio Angioino.