NapoliMovieTour, the app on the sets made in Partenope

Ieri, oggi e domani

From “Scusate il ritardo” by Massimo Troisi to “L’uomo in più” by Paolo Sorrentino through “Ieri, oggi e domani” and “Matrimonio all’italiana” by Vittorio De Sica.  For those who love the film or will simply go in search of lesser-known corners of the city of Naples, it is now available for free NapoliMovieTour, the mobile app dedicated to the director Francesco Rosi and promoted by the Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Naples, which allows to create custom itineraries related to the sets of films shot in the heart of Partenope.

Thanks to the app made by the City Cinema – usable on smartphones and tablets for systems iOS / Android / WindowsPhoneMobile – through the movie selection or location, you can find out which films were all set in the surroundings of the place where you are or in which areas have been made the scenes of the most beloved movies. Resorting to the “filter” you can select movies by genre and location for the area; through the Wizard, however, the user can locate and film location by keywords.

NapoliMovieTour not only lets you select which sites to visit based on their own interests and needs, but also to relive emotions related to the films being exactly in the place where they were shot. Each location includes themed film, in fact, a mini photo gallery, brief descriptions of the films, but also video content reproducing portions of the film in question.

The app uses Augmented Reality functionality: exploring your surroundings with the camera, so you can view the points of interest and open the content associated with them.

It is integrated, moreover, with the beacon technology: an advanced notification system through sensors located at points of interest will transmit data to the device, so as to send information in real time, alerting the user in the vicinity of the film sets.