Festival Kiss, follow her heart guide

mappa festival del bacio napoli

Second consecutive year in Naples for the Festival of the Kiss organized by the boys of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, School of New Art Technologies. On March 28 the start. We explain now what it is. View the source creator, could only be, in substance, but a work of art that is made and lives through relationships with the complex historical and artistic fabric of the City. Stylized hearts come alive, pulsating in a city tour that will mark the route of the festival. Along this promenade you will find the stylized hearts, installed everywhere, from traffic lights in the windows or on street signs, or even on buildings, and defined aesthetic devices that aim to involve institutions, businesses, cultural associations and above all citizens. The banners, the light and sound installations, the shop set up theme, are all needed to give life to the big party that transforms the heart of the city in a complex flow of energy.

For this reason, this year’s edition, covering the territory as the heart of the city, the Old Town. Interactive installations, accelerate the exchange and make the participants, all together, the protagonists of the festival The kiss is the most common non-verbal communication in the world, a simple gesture that can encompass a wide range of complex concepts and sometimes discordant, but always in the relationship. A moment of impact, communication, sharing, but especially an instantaneous exchange of energy, able to change the minds of those for whom nothing will ever be the same. It is the ideal concept from which to build a common territory, generating virtuous exchange mechanisms that can really change the relationship of the individual with the community.

#cuoredinapoli is the unifying sign of the festival: reclaiming a cliché linked to the city is able to tell Naples in its singular multiplicity
#cuoredinapoli consists of both a visual symbol (Heart, installation located on Marine Station) is a #hashtag that the returns on the net. Anyone posting on social networks images, videos and tweets with this #hashtag, instrument recognition and integration, it becomes part of the flow: one will realize the constant connection of the energies of the network and of the sphere of digital with the physical space of the city and its inhabitants.

Info on: www.festivaldelbacio.it