Full immersion in the art with 50 minutes at Capodimonte

museo capodimonte

For the series, Never change a winning idea that, after the significant results obtained last year, including tourists and residents back, also for the first months of 2015, “50 minutes at Capodimonte” , the interesting initiative promoted by the Museum Capodimonte (Napoli) , which offers visitors a valid ticket, a series of meetings with industry experts dedicated to the masterpieces protagonists of the collections of the museum. Until February 17, you can then take advantage of free insights with visits this time dedicated to the theme of classical mythology, as part of the Farnese collection housed on the first floor of the museum. A special occasion, lasting just under an hour, to find out, thanks to the “tour deepening “, the messages and so many anecdotes lie behind the masterpieces that dot the halls of the Museum… to discover the priceless treasures Capodimonte . Do not miss: Masaccio , Botticelli , Bellini , Tiziano, El Greco, Correggio, Parmigianino, Brueghel and Annibale Carracci. But also the monumental drawings of Michelangelo and Raffaello, models respectively for the Pauline Chapel and the ceiling of the Room of Heliodorus in the Vatican, and then the gallery of rarities, offering curiosity and masterpieces like the Casket Farnese. The dedicated meetings are planned for the hours: 11, 13, 16 and 18, excluding February 1 and Wednesday, closing day of the Museum .