The archaeological site of Paestum will be enhanced. Word of Minister

Rovine di Paestum

“Enhancing the archaeological site of Paestum“. Is what  the Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, has promised the mayor of Capaccio Paestum at a meeting held this morning at the Bit of Milan, in the spaces of the stand on the City of Piana del Sele. A report it was the mayor, Italo Voza. “During his visit to the stand – revealed Voza – there was an exchange of opinions between me and the Minister has determined that the opening of a political dialogue aimed at institutional enhancement of archaeological, historical, architectural, landscape, environmental, food and wine of Capaccio Paestum and the surrounding area. “Already in recent months, during a meeting at the Travel Trade Italy Rimini, the mayor had met the minister explained that the occasion to know Capaccio Paestum and be willing to work for its revival.