The long… weekend of Madre Museum in Naples

Il Museo Madre

Four different formulas guided tour for adults and children four different approaches to contemporary art to understand it, to love it, to form it in the spirit that animates the permanent collections of the museum.

The Madre of Naples, throughout the month of April, will offer the public a unique opportunity to own three different days of the week to approach contemporary art under the wise guidance of educators specialized, free, accompany the visitor through the exhibition.

It starts with “A Saturday at the Museum“, scheduled on Saturday 12, 19 and 26 April , at 11 and at 5 pm. Visitors, assisted by an operator learning, can explore and verify themes, locations, and contemporary languages. The pole of via Settembrini is thus transformed into engaging and encouraging environment to experiment with the active participation of the public. A journey to discover the exhibitions and collections of the Madre in progress.

The free participation in the visit is expected to availability. The appointment at the ticket office, for those interested, is scheduled at 11 am in the morning and in the afternoon at 5 pm hours.

The second formula, scheduled for Sunday 6, 13, 20 and 27 April (at 11 am and 5 pm hours) is instead entitled “Museo_in_Azione“. It includes visits to think about (and dedicated) specially for those visitors who want to experience a kind of performative. Along the exhibition proposals will in fact be performing some activities inspired by the works highlighted during the tour. A new approach, there fore, to transform a visit to the collections and exhibitions of the Madre in experience “live”. Also in this case the free participation is expected to availability. The event Sunday at the ticket office is at 11 am o’clock in the morning and 5 pm in the afternoon.


And now we come to the formulas developed for the Monday of April, the day traditionally free admission to the museum. Two options. With the “Yellow Madre” , scheduled for 14 and 28 April starting at h: 10 am, it is proposed a “performance color”: an educational workshop free reserved for primary school students (recommended age 5-9 years). Via therefore the teaching laboratory to experiment with the color as active and participatory practice. From room to room, children and young people, with the help of educators, will track the primary colors (yellow, red and blue) in each of the illustrated works, and will try to associate them with music, images, movements or signs. At the end of the visit, the participants will carry out a performance in colors inspired by the variety of knowledge learned and the plurality of contemporary artistic practices. Each intervention will be performing again and then presented on Pinterest page linked to the website of the Education Department of the Museum Madre. The duration of the tour will be one hour. In this case, it is expected reservations required number +

Finally, the second stage license plate Madre, scheduled on days Monday, but on days  14 , 21 (Easter Monday) and 28 April, at 17 (for 21 day is anticipated at h: 11 am). The formula in this case is the usual one of “Free Madre” , and includes free guided tours for adults exhibitions and collections in the museum’s progress via Settembrini , subject to availability. Appointment to all interested parties at the ticket office.

A Saturday at the Museum, Museo_in_Azione, Yellow Madre and Free Madre
Madre Museum

Via Settembrini, 79 – Naples
One Saturday at the museum, Museo_in_Azione, Yellow Madre and Free Madre