Ducrot wears of white Archeologico’s garden

isabella ducrot effimero

“White, he said, the color of the origin and end. The color of who is going to change the condition. White, told me, the color of absolute silence; not the silence of death, but that the prelude to all the possible metamorphosis”. So wrote a few years ago in his book the Chilean Marcela Serrano. It will become all white, like magic, from Saturday, March 7, at 17, the western garden of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, thanks to the installation “Effimero” by Isabella Ducrot, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.

For the occasion, the green of the lawn will give way to the white paper, dotted with large blue circles and this poetic alteration of the usual chromatic relationships give our eyes a new playground and a new experience. The intervention of Ducrot, Neapolitan origins and Roman of adoption, is part of the exhibition on contemporary undertaken for several years in the Museum and will create a subtle interplay between nature and artifice, between the randomness of the distribution of plants, symmetrical distribution of the courtyard into four beds and marble fragments placed according to their will hidden. “The foreign element – the artist says – looks like a white blanket, a sort of off-season snow dotted with blue circular shapes that obey their order to an artificial and indifferent to everything else”.