The Great Gymnasium of Pompeii Ruins will be open during the day


The Great Gymnasium of Pompeii Ruins will be open during the day. To place it the Superintendence for Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia ruling that the visits will be possible, every day, from 9:30 am to 17:20 pm hours and Saturdays from 8.00 pm to midnight. At first it was planned to open during the day only starting next September, making available the site restored only in the context of the opening night of the museums on Saturday. The decision to keep open the site almost immediately was hired after the submission of the restoration, which took place on Monday, August 3 in the presence of Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, who has aroused much curiosity and expectation among tourists and fans. Were many, in fact, visitors who have asked the Superintendent “the chance to visit the new spaces in advance and be able to admire the frescoes of Moregine set out therein”. Just “to satisfy the many requests, the Superintendent – reads a statement – has prepared a new plan that will start opening from the very first hours of the afternoon today (Thursday, August 6, ed)”. “The beauty of the environment, once a place for gymnastics athletes, leaves you amazed by the suggestion, – said the superintendent Massimo Osanna – in these two days we worked with all the representatives of the Superintendent and officials of Ales, which We have available to our requests and now the gym is open to the public of the Ruins”.