Ten days to know the best of Campi Flegrei


In the beautiful Campi Flegrei continues Malazè , the event archaeo- eno- gastronomic now in its eighth edition. Books, movies , food and wine events, to learn about wines and typical product, kitchen geothermal in the Solfatara by Slow Food. And all the days hiking , biking, kayaking and diving to the ancient sunken city. Below Charme offers you the program until Thursday September 12 of Malazè  2013, began the last weekend, it will continue until Tuesday September 17.

Tuesday, September 10

Fusaro – Cantina La Sibilla (19 hours) : “Henry and Margaret … a tale Yellow Tuff” from the book “Yellow Tuff” by Francesco Escalona . Event by associations Artemis and the Diary of traveler . Regain the lost dimension of dinners once, where the authenticity of the food was married to the pleasure of speaking. Planned visit to the vineyards of Cantina La Sibilla . Info: 0818688778-3471594511 [charme-gallery]

Wednesday, September 11

Quarto– Cantine Grotta del Sole (19 hours) : “La Grande Bouffe : competition of short films about food and wine ” by Giuseppe Borrone , association Campi Flegrei. ” La grande bouffe ” will present short films, a maximum duration of 20 minutes, which enhance the link between the images and the world of food and oenology . The projection of the short finalists , scheduled for Wednesday, September 11 , will take place at the premises of Cantine Grotta del Sole , a historic winery in the Phlegraean Fields , over a convivial evening will culminate with the announcement of the winner . Afterwards, the Campi Flegrei DOC wine tasting and finger food . Info: bogartmovie@libero.it – 3476277538

Pozzuoli ( 20.30 ) : ” The Night dell’Eccellenze ” by Abraxas Osteria , cosebuonedalmondovicinoate.it and producers flegrei . The Night dell’eccellenze food and wine of the Campi Flegrei , offers , for an evening, the best of food and wine production in the area. A night dedicated to the taste and taste and taste the grass pea, to leggerino piedirosso and Falanghina , products that have reached these goals and several international awards, national and international . Abraxas Osteria via Scalandrone , 25, Pozzuoli. Info: 339.2236700 – 081549347[charme-gallery]

Thursday, September 12

Astroni ( 17.30 ) : ” The Campi Flegrei seen by Astroni : Retrospective and Future Prospects ” by Cantine Astroni , Luciano Pignataro WineBlog , Ais delegation of Naples. Meeting of tasting different vintages of the Campi Flegrei Falanghina and Piedirosso . At the end of tasting , “Gusti Flegrei” dinner buffet prepared by Abraxas Osteria between the two lakes. Info: 0815884182 – info@cantineastroni.com

Necropolis of San Vito ( 17.30 ) : “Traces Christian : The Early Christian Necropolis of San Vito ” by the association Nemea . Guided tour of the Paleo-Christian Necropolis and the rural church of St. Vitus with wine tasting flegrei in Villa Elvira . Info: 3881127188 – assnemea@hotmail.com

Solfatara Volcano ( 19.15 ) : “Slow Earth ” by Slow Food Campi Flegrei. At sunset in the breathtaking scenery of the Solfatara , is the cooking workshop at the heads of the volcano geothermal Pozzuoli. Info: 3406001837-0818044295 – info@slowfoodcampiflegrei.com


Daily guided tours underwater, cycling and kayaking

Pozzuoli ( 9.30 ) : “Sunken City open doors” by the Centro Sub Campi Flegrei. Diving for divers and non-divers to explore the underwater city of Baia . Info: 0818531563 .

In Fusaro and Misenum (10 am) : ” The grass pea Campi Flegrei that passion,” farm visits “Sybil” (info 0818688778 ) and Piscina Mirabilis (info 0815235174 ) where you ‘ll learn, taste and buy the rare and cicerchia come into contact with a piece of agricultural history of the territory.

Baia (10 am) : “The Campi Flegrei cozza” .Visit at Irsvem , one of the most important centers for destabulation of molluscs in Southern Italy. Info: 081.8687633

Bacoli ( all day) : by boat and bike to know the lake Misenus , wine therapy at Bagni di Bacco, drink and birthwatching at Roof & Sky , visit the farm Piscina Mirabilis , visit the rows for growing mussels. Five tours offered by the association Lagovivo . Info: 081.3047642 – 392.4153474 – info@lagovivo.it

Miseno ( 16 hours and 19 hours) : ” Kayak & drink in the Bay Imperial ” by associations CulturAvventura and Ais Going with a tour guide. The guided tour includes technical materials and wine tasting doc . Info: 3394195725 – culturavventura@gmail.com

( photos of this article are of Marina Sgamato )