Montella and chestnuts, a loving marriage

Castagne di Montella, cesto ricolmo

It’s the queen of autumn. Delicious fruit, intense flavor. Ready to satisfy even the most discerning palates. We are talking about the chestnut and many recipes associated with it. A fruit and vegetable product unique in the world. That in Irpinia has become religion.

Montella  has been able to earn the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) transforming a marriage of love in a culinary and cultural symbol for the whole territory. To the sweetest and greedy “brown pearl” is dedicated the appointment in the charming village Avellino, from 8 to 10 November 2013, with the XXXI edition of the “Chestnut Festival Igp directed by Roberto D’Agnese. A tasty gastronomic tour through the streets of Montella to discover the flavors and knowledge that lie within the prickly.[charme-gallery]

The chestnut IGP festival of Montella will open with the rite of the braziers in which will be roasted chestnuts which will then be served hot. Following the visit to the stands of exhibitors Food (this year there are about 160) that will offer visitors the best selection of local produce , including cheese and wines of first quality.[charme-gallery]

After have satisfied the needs of the palate, it’s time to know  the historical and cultural aspects linked to the cultivation of “blackberry” with guided tours through chestnut woods and participation in conferences organized for the Protection of the chestnut. There will be also  students from local schools directly involved in the exhibition dedicated to the places of art (stands in Montella the Lombard Castello del Monte). Framed by theater and dance tarantella through the streets of the old town to greet the arrival of autumn with the rhythm of traditional culture and cuisine.

XXXI Sagra della Castagna di Montella I.G.P

From 8 to 10 November 2013, Montella ( Avellino)

Info: Comune di Montella (quoting SannioTurismo ) +39.0827 609006 – 335 5391479