Naples, four steps on the hill of Mortelle


“Four Steps” on the hills. Discovering the treasures of sacred art of Partenope. This is the meaning of the event organized by the cultural association “Sciò Napoli” with “Quattro passi… sul colle delle Mortelle” , scheduled for November 10 in Naples.

The appointment is at 10:30 am, at the stop of the funicular of Corso Vittorio Emanuele. Participants will be carried out for a walk around the charming streets of the city of Naples, in an innovative path that merges into a single tour history and religion. It starts from the steps of St. Nicola da Tolentino in Chiaia, where you can admire the Sanctuary of Immacolata di Lourdes.

[charme-gallery]After the pleasures of the spirit, also those of the throat will be satisfied. So everyone on the march again to visit some typical Neapolitan taverns as the Cerriglio. From there, the travelers will be conducted towards Piazzetta San Carlo alle Mortelle and Piazzetta Mondragone. Last stop: the Pizzofalcone hill, where stands the Palazzo Serra di Cassano, a bastion of historical and cultural excellence of the ancient capital of the Kingdom of the Due Sicilie.

“Quattro passi…sul colle delle Mortelle”

November 10, 2013 at 10:30 am

Info and reservations required: 333.3370769 – 348.7333581 – 327.1585555


-organizational contribution for non members: € 6,00

-organizational contribution for members: € 5.00

-Young people from 14  to 18 years, over 65, students : € 5.00

-under 14: free entry