In Naples , an exhibition dedicated to the world’s smallest nativity


The world’s smallest crib ? Exists and is located in Naples , within the  Museum- Shop in Piazza Largo Corpo in the district of SpaccaNapoli .
See to  believe, the complex of the historical center of Naples will host an exhibition until January 7, with as many as 33 pieces of miniature nativity scenes , works that are unmatched in the world , created by the patient hands of Don Antonio Esposito , a priest of Castellammare di Stabia and excellent teacher of the crib for more than 50 years, the first specimens date back to 1941.

But the real uniqueness of this small but great works of art created with great detail , is the material of which they are composed. Shells of nuts, egg or chestnut , with shepherds carved cork or even created with sun dried drops of oil color on successive layers , are just some of the ingredients stolen from the food pantry and the palette of the artist, to recreate the sacred scene with some original effects . Still, for vegetation are used tiny bits of twigs or pine dipped in turpentine colored so as to preserve them for long. All this gives the cabin of Joseph and Mary and all that is around , a truly unique atmosphere .


The exhibition of nativity scenes from primates, has been made possible thanks to the contribution of the Cultural Theatre Kostya Treplev and artist Manuela Mirabile has found that every little detail to make it really special representation of the Nativity . The exhibition is free and open to all , the only indication to follow: to equip themselves magnifying glass at the entrance, with an eye to scrutinize every detail of the miniature models .

” The cribs Guinness “
Museum Shop, Largo Corpo di Napoli
Until January 7 , 2014, from 10 am to 20 p.m.
Free admission , info : 081 360 4228