The great heart of Naples beats during the weekend


Over the weekend dedicated to “Valentine’s Day” , there is nothing better than getting lost in the enchanting beauty of the city of Naples and be enchanted by its irresistible charm. This time the beautiful Partenope really puts us all to capitulate the hearts of many visitors who will take part in the original itineraries planned in Naples.

It will be hard to resist the addictive initiative sponsored by the Committee of Legambiente Neapolis , which includes two days of meetings, events and exhibitions.
Starting Saturday, February 15 , with the appointment to the gardens of Piazza Cavour where there will be readings , book-sharing sessions and close encounters with nature and art, thanks to the volunteers of the organization that will free visits to the Museum subway station art .
Again, on the same day will be remembered the father of all lovers, the famous French illustrator Raymond Peinet: he is dedicated to the performance of theater and dance titled “Lovers on the bench .. a tribute to Peynet and Faries” by association “Lo sguardo che trasforma”.

It continues on Sunday with a healthy and relaxing walk in the green Park of Poggio , in the district of the Collei Aminei.
Another interesting initiative that deserves attention is the one promoted by Progetto Museo” and the permanent theater of innovation “Le Nuvole” which, Saturday 15 at the National Museum of Capodimonte, provides for the staging of a visit -performance that combines art, history and archeology with the magic of the stage, transforming the event into a moment of enjoyment and participation in the round.
The exuberant craft of painting and the many shades of his technique is dedicated to the event that will try to bring the audience right into the workshop of the wizards of the brush.


And if after having admired what they are capable paints and palettes , your soul still burns the sacred fire of art , then Sunday, February 16 , that you can not continue the tour with another visit dramatized , the one dedicated to the philosopher Giordano Bruno in the beautiful complex of San Domenico Maggiore, where the “heretic” thinker of Nola lived and studied.
The original philosopher of the “city of the lilies” burned alive in Piazza Campo dei Fiori in Rome on February 17, 1600 , with the language it should be ( from a tight grip because he could not speak ) , will be remembered through the exciting representation “Flames and Reason” , curated by Nartea , with the moral support of the City of Naples and in collaboration with Polo Association Pietrasanta and Neartpolis.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

“Fall in love with Naples”
Piazza Cavour, 11.00 p.m.

“Lovers of the bench, a tribute to Peynet ”
Piazza Cavour, 11.30 , 12.30 p.m.

“One day in the shop”
National Museum of Capodimonte , 16.30 p.m.
Booking required , email: , Tel : 0812395653

Sunday, February 16, 2014

“Flames and reason”
Complex of San Domenico Maggiore , Piazza San Domenico Maggiore 8 18.30, and 20.00 p.m.
Contacts and information: Cultural Association Nartea 3397020849 , 3346227785