Week end made in Naples, a tour through the places of history


How many things can be done in just two days?
A lot more than you think, and if you want some suggestions, here are some really interesting ideas for this weekend in Naples.
Saturday, February 1st, we start with three events to usher in the most of the arrival of the new month.

For those who are tired of companies and want to spend a different evening, then it is a must to stop at the Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri in via duomo where to welcome the guests will be none other than the Prince  Gaetano Filangieri.
The event organized by the Museum Project provides support for an actor – guide, through which the audience becomes the protagonist of the romantic dream of the ruler to save one of the most important Neapolitan palaces of the fifteenth century.

Do you feel too grown up for the fairy tales and legends? But certainly the ancient tradition of the “Wheel of Exposed” will not leave you indifferent.
Yes, because the next day’s itinerary just interested in the monumental complex of the Annunciation, located in the historic center of the city.
The tour organized by the Artedra lead visitors directly to the left of the arch century entrance of the basilica, where it is still visible, although now closed, the hole through which they were introduced into the wheel “exposed”, ie infants that mothers abandoned to poverty or because illegitimate.
During the evocative tour participants will learn about the history of the sacred, of the various forms of social assistance carried out over the centuries, as well as anecdotes and curiosities of life of the children of the Madonna and girls who lived in the convent as the ancient “rite of the handkerchief”.


From the sacred par excellence, then we move to other spaces devoted this time artistically.
We are talking of the many theaters of Naples, understood not only as buildings used as representations but in the broadest sense, including the characters, the stories and anecdotes related to the magic of the stage.
The cultural association Insolita guida has developed a program should not be missed, to commemorate “The voices outside” in tribute to a great and undisputed protagonist of the theater scene as Eduardo De Filippo, through the genius of people like Scarpetta, Massimo Troisi and Nino Taranto.

But we move on now to the many activities planned for Sunday, February 2 , where you continue with three walks narrated unique. Always by the Association Insolita guida.
The first stage involves a leap in the history of Naples in the Fascist period, with the famous fictional character Inspector Ricciardi, born from the pen of the writer Maurizio de Giovanni.
During the visit, on the one hand will be revived the history and architecture of the period and on the other you will tell through reading, part of one of the exciting investigations of the popular commissioner, ending with a nice coffee at the large bar Gambrinus.


Are not you tired yet ? Well then, if you sometimes discover the many faces of partenope, we have to descend into the belly of the ancient city and let yourself be led by the district health until Fontanelle Cemetery to admire the authenticity of ” Naples, “sotto e ‘ ncoppa”.
The journey through the historic fabric of the city and urban concludes with an initiative promoted by the cultural center Celanapoli that always offers for the day Sunday, an exciting sensory journey with a trip to Lake Averno for the places of memory traces, where the landscape, history, archeology, myth, literature seem to all be captured in one magical space.

Saturday, February 1, 2014, Naples

“Guided tour of the Royal House of the Annunciation, the wheel of the Exposed”
Appointment: 11.00 a.m. at the entrance of the Basilica of the Annunciation, the Annunciation street 34, Naples, Info and reservations: 3207532781-3383364625 info@artedra.com

“Conversations with the prince by candlelight”
Filangieri Museum, Via Duomo 288-Naples, 7.00 p.m. for info and reservations call us at 081.211.929 or send an e-mail to: info@accogliereadarte.it

“The voices of Outside – The Theatres of Naples”
5.30. p.m. reservations at: 338.965.22.88

Sunday, February 2, 2014, Naples

“What was Naples in two decades – walking with Commissioner Ricciardi”
10.30 a.m., reservations at: 338.965.22.88

“Naples  sotto e ‘ncoppa special Cemetery Fontanelle”
10.30 a.m., reservations at: 338.965.22.88

“Lago d’Averno, memory locations”
Meet 10.30 a.m. at the station of Cumana, Lucrino
Info and reservations at: 347.559.72.31