Award Guarano, the best prize for the excellence of Melito


“Just as every note joined to another creates a melody, so many skills together make grow a territory“. This is the philosophy underpinning the “Prize Marino Guarano: Melito for Melito – Award for excellence Melitesi” to be held Sunday, December 7th at 7.30 pm in the conference room of the hotel Lento (via Roma, Melito).
The event, organized by ConfcommercioEnterprises for Italy, is a tribute to the territory and its excellences. One evening, conducted by journalists Anna Summonte and Antonio Sabbatino, dedicated to the delivery of a due recognition to personalities who have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally in various areas selected, music, fashion, film, theater, culture, social commitment, innovation, journalism, business and others, giving with their commitment and their skills, prestige to the town on the outskirts of Naples.

The “Prize Marino Guarano” arises from specific considerations: Melito di Napoli, with its forty thousand inhabitants and passes, beyond what emerges from episodes of the news, is a “reservoir of vital resources”, made up of the large set of “intelligences “in various fields that contribute to the social, cultural and economic life is the same territory of belonging, as well as those in which possibly decide to live and work.
The event features an original format, is animated by a specific mission that calls into question, involving both the personalities of the city territory, is the “excellence in embryo” who quietly mature and emerge from their anonymity. And it is in this perspective that the “Award for excellence Melitesi” is proposed as a tool of great symbolic value for the construction of a territorial identity, to extend and strengthen the network of relationships between actors of the chain cultural and socio-economic and the territory.