Anticipated miracle, the blood of St. Gennaro was already loosened

Miracolo di San Gennaro 4 maggio 2013

Blood was already loosened at five o’clock in the afternoon. When the cardinal dii Naples Crescenzio Sepe has opened the reliquary today you/he/she has found the cruet with the already liquefied liquid. The official announcement and’ gives from the presule in the Basilica of Saint Chiara at the end of the procession departed from the Cathedral. The blood him and’ loose in the day when the anniversary of the translation of the bones of the Saint applies, that on preceding Saturdays traditionally happen on first Sundays of May.

As from tradition, the relics of the Saint Patron I/you/they have been brought in procession from the Cathedral to street of the Courts, passing in front of the Pious Mountain of the Mercy also crossing Fork to stay in front of the Church of Sant’Agrippino. The official announcement of the miracle has been given by the same Sepe, to the arrival in the Basilica of Saint Chiara, before the beginning of the mass.

The cardinal Sepe has announced that pope Francesco has given authorization allla Congregation for the Causes of the Saints to promulgate the decree of recognition of a miracle happened for intercession of Maria Cristina of Savoia, queen of the Two Sicilies, wife of Ferdinando II of Borbone, dead to 23 years in Naples in January 1836. This action represents a decisive footstep toward the beatification of the sovereign one.

The blood of the Patron is contained in the cruets of glass of ancient manner that it is said you/they were filled by a pious woman that picked up the blood of the Martyr. The clots spontaneously curdled dark color and solid loosen him. Blood reboils and assumes the alive red color. For the first time on the “Chronicon Siculum” the liquefaction of the blood of St. Gennaro was annotated. It was 1389. Studious, scientists and researchers are sbizzarriti in to try to explain the liquefaction but nobody has succeeded in giving valid scientific motives to the mystery of the breakup that is considered premonition of good wish in Naples, above all if the liquefaction happens without delay in comparison to the collecting of the cruet from the reliquary. That of May is one of the three annual miracles of the breakup of the blood of the saint patron of Naples: the second has attended on September 19, the I complete on December 16.