To San Leucio Belvedere back the Cake Fest Italian

CakeFest Italia 2014

Back, after the success of the first edition, the Cake Fest Italy, an international festival of sweet copyrights. A unique event of its kind, dedicated to the world of Pastry and Cake Design, creativity and the comparison between the different techniques and styles of the best Cake Designer and Sugar Artist Italian and international. Guest Star of the event license plate 2014: Renato Ardovino, as well as Teresa Insero, Teresa InseroLetizia GrellaBarbara PeregoFiorella BalzamoGianpaolo PanizzoloDebora Kim Selibara (aka “Trottolina Cake Design”), Marina PetriniDalila DuelloClaudia DebRossella Mo’ntolo and many others. The event is scheduled for October 24 to 26, 2014 in Caserta, and is organized by Event Planet srl under the artistic direction of the author and director Massimiliano Ottolini in collaboration with the Campania Region, the Province of Caserta, the Department of Tourism and great Events of the Municipality of Caserta, the Chamber of Commerce and the Ept Caserta. It will be held in the premises of the prestigious location of the Reale Belvedere di San Leucio in Caserta. On October 20 at 11:00 am in the elegant grounds of the Royal Palace of Caserta will host the preview presentation of the CakeFest Italy, inspired by an original and fun Flash Mob surprise inspired by the world of sweets, which will involve hundreds of people from all over Italy for the occasion.
