All the appointments with the food festivals of Terra Felix


The summer is upon us. And you know, with the warm weather comes the time of food festivals and much healthier spirit of conviviality that has always characterized the majority of Terra Felix.
But first things first , and we explore in detail all the events on the calendar in this glimmer of … late spring early summer.

We start from the party that welcomes the “season” for excellence: we are talking about the fifth edition of Barebque under the stars, the event which will be held in Mercogliano, in the province of Avellino, from May 30 to June 1 next.

Throughout the City irpino will be party to celebrate the arrival of summer in the best way possible, with a rich menu that includes grilled sandwiches with sausage or steak, fries, pizza fries, soft drinks, dishes and side dishes typical of the place, all washed down with a good local wine. And to enliven the evening there will be many groups of musicians who entertained the audience with songs and dances of popular music.

Still, the Pro Loco of Cesa, the municipality of Caserta, from May 31 to June 1 promotes the traditional Wine Festival Asprinio during which it will be possible to taste typical products and wines from local wineries with, followed by the award ceremony for the best production wine of the year.


Finally, we close the first “grand tour” of gastronomy through the flavors and traditions of the magnificent land of Campania, with the appointment starring the municipality of Marigliano, in the province of Naples, with the twelfth edition of the Potato Festival.

From May 29 to June 2, thanks to the support of the Association Ambiente Azzurro Onlus and sponsored by the City of Marigliano, will be exhibited and offered to the public local products linked to the deployment of so-called “short chain”, the the production and the distribution of food products , in line with the new understanding of sustainable development.

But now let’s take a look at the menu of tasty dishes made ​​in Marigliano: space obviously the tuber protagonist of the show and all its variants, which range from early potato baked in the pan-fried until the peasant imagination stuffed with provolone Benevento. Do not forget to enjoy croquettes, gnocchi, lelle, pens, tripe with potatoes, pork, sausages, chips and all the trimmings of the season.
And after so much eating, are a must in a dance company of the folk group of Zi Richard and the women of the Tammorra, a sight not to be missed and to share with family and friends. Even so … because it digests better!

Fifth Edition of Barbeque under the stars
Info: 3488840484

XIX Wine Festival Asprinio
31/05/2014- 06/01/2014
Info: 3396514579

Festival of potato
Info: 0818416317