A “Precious World” at Tari: so the Italian jewelery goes on show

Gioielli in vetrina al Tarì

He has just closed its doors, with great appreciation not only from the public (over 16,500 admissions), but also of all participating operators, the event “Precious World“, the most important event of the year with the Italian Jewelry, held October 10 to 13 in the spaces of Tarì Marcianise, beautiful “jewel of the city” built in the heart of Italy, a few kilometers from Naples and Torre del Greek, the city of coral par excellence. This unique and innovative world called Tari has been enriched, October 10 to 13, the presence of the most renowned Italian brand of jewelry, giving rise, for 4 days, an extraordinary festival of the “precious jewel“, dedicated as ever to professionals .
There have been 483, in all, the companies that took part in this edition of “Precious World“, who scored as many indicators have confirmed a last quarter of 2014 finally positive. Of these, 83 were brand exhibitors ‘guests’ and about 400 companies settled the Tarì.
Of note is the participation of the Campania Region, which under the program Promotion of “Made in Campania” has allowed the participation of 20 small jewelry companies in Neapolitan.

“A great result – said the president Gianni Carità – which highlights the great work being done by our organization in the months of hard work for the entire sector, and that rewards in particular the strength of the ‘project Tarì’, which has been able to cope and successfully overcome the many obstacles to the continuing economic stagnation of our country. ”
They took part in the “Festival of the jewel,” as always in these dates, foreign delegations, organized in collaboration with ICE. The 48 delegates to the incoming participants came from areas of Central and Eastern Europe, with extension to Asian markets close and the Balkans: Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia.
To these have been added to the growing number of European customers Tarì, mainly from France, Spain and Greece, in addition to about 850 stores from all over Italy Tarì guests.
The first official event was staged on Saturday morning, October 11, at 10.30, with the official welcome of the Tarì foreign delegations accompanied by the staff of ICE who coordinated the project. The delegations have visited the exhibition “Design Artigian” made ​​by Tarì Design Lab in collaboration with 14 companies of jewelery, and then continue their stay at the Tarì with business contacts.
There have been during “World Precious” relaxing moments at the end of the business. Saturday 11 and Sunday, October 12 Eccellenze Campane, the largest and most innovative reality of gastronomy of Campania, offered a cocktail music to all customers enriched by a tasting of the typical “panuozzo” Gragnano and many local products. Guest of the show finally Elisabetta Gregoraci, testimonial of Davite and Delucchi.

This edition, as well as those that preceded it, “World Precious” was submitted to the certification of Isfcert, the National Authority accredited to verify and formalize the data exhibition, which recognizes the Fairs years Tarì among the few national exhibitions included in an international calendar of events.
At Tarì throughout the year you can get in touch with companies, designers, craftsmen, suppliers, distributors of jewelry and precious. The whole world is precious in this extraordinary and exclusive Goldsmith Centre. The craftsmanship of traditional coral and cameo, the most exclusive jewelery with diamonds and precious stones, the most innovative lines of jewelry and fashion coexist in the largest European goldsmith center thanks to the permanent presence of 380 companies, of a goldsmith school and a team of designers at the disposal of both the companies internal and external customers.