Silk ties and scarf inspired by the Filangieri Museum

The Maison Cilento is the reference point for men's elegance in the world, thanks to the flair of Ugo Cilento

cravatte e foulard fatti a mano - Ugo Cilento
cravatte e foulard fatti a mano - Ugo Cilento

The last three new works of art designed by the ingenious Ugo Cilento, the new president of “I Centenari”, the association of Campania’s elite with more than 100 years of history.

The Maison Cilento is the reference point for men’s elegance in the world, thanks to the flair of Ugo Cilento. The talented designer has just produced three precious creations for the Filangieri Civic Museum in Naples: two “settepieghe” ties and a foulard for women. They are made of pure silk and are sold exclusively in the showroom of the museum . Ugo Cilento was recently elected president of the  association “I Centenari”, which gathers together 28 famous neapolitan brands with at least 100 years of history.

Cilento & F.llo dal 1780
Via Riviera di Chiaia 203-204, Naples – Italy
Tel. + 39 081.551.33.63
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