The masterpieces of Ferragamo seduce Finland


The creations of Salvatore Ferragamo for the first time arrive in Finland: the Museum Milavida in Tampere opened its doors with the exhibition “Walking Dream – Salvatore Ferragamo 1898-1960”, focused on the shoes that have the imagination of generations. Forty models on display, including those with metal-reinforced stiletto heels made famous by Marilyn Monroe and the invisible sandal upper with nylon thread which in 1947 led to the famous Italian designer, the prestigious “Neiman Marcus Award“, the Fashion Oscar, for the first time assigned to a creator of footwear. The exhibition will remain open until January 2016, it was organized by the Museum Milavida in collaboration with the Museum Ferragamo. Born in 1898 in Bonito, in the province of Avellino, the eleventh of fourteen children, Salvatore Ferragamo shows since childhood a passion for shoes, becoming 11 years old apprentice in Torre del Greco (Naples), at a shoemaker and opening at 13 its own store in the country of origin. Shortly after part for America, before Boston, where it reaches one of the brothers who worked in a shoe factory, and then California, where he began to design and create shoes for cinema. So he moved to Hollywood where he started for him a career as a “shoemaker to the stars”. In 1927 he returned to Italy, turning to the domestic market which proposes creations with cork, wood, wire, felt and synthetic resins to meet the restrictions of the regime of autarchy. After the war becomes famous in the world as a symbol of Italy that comes back to life, and when he dies, in 1960, in Florence, has realized the dream of waxing the most beautiful shoes in the world.