The history of Naples in antique images


Mount Vesuvius and sail boats reflected in the blue waters of the Bayof Naples. Images from the past that are brought back to life by Voyage Pittoresque, a Neapolitan firm set up in the 19th century when Libreria Antiquaria Regina began to publish important works now jealously guarded by Voyage Pittoresque. One such volume was the first edition of the most famous Italian Novel, The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni, published by one of the current owner’s ancestors. Clients of Libreria Regina and Voyage Pittoresque include several ofItaly’s premiers and presidents, politicians and businessmen as well as tourists and ordinary Neapolitans who demand unique prints for the walls of their studies and lounges. [charme-gallery]These prints are also available in more modern forms, such as antique photographs that have been then been hand-painted. Voyage Pittoresque does not only deal in prints. Their images of Naples also appear on diaries and calendars and in refined design objects, veritable works of art created by skilled artisans out of metal, crystal, terracotta, porcelain and silver. Art for all: that is the motto of Voyage Pittoresque, which also has young children among its customers thanks to its publishing initiatives such as the illustrated Life of Pulcinella written in e Neapolitan dialect with a translation in Italian. If you look carefully at the illustrations, you will see that the faces of Pulcinella’s kidnappers belong to the men and women who work at Voyage Pittoresque – because art must also be fun.[charme-gallery]

Voyage Pittoresque
Via Vittoria Colonna, 15 –Naples
Tel. 081.407309 – 081.403309