From “purpo” veracious to pizza, in Campania cooking is history

L'alimentazione nel territorio fra vita quotidiana e rappresentazioni: da domani, mostra virtuale e un convegno al Maschio Angioino e all'archivio di Stato di Avellino

Dal "purpo" alla pizza, in Campania la cucina è storia: mostra virtuale e un convegno, da domani, a Napoli ed Avellino

The “purpo” veracious, Boccaccio tells us, was on the Neapolitan tables of 1300, pizza spoke documents of the tenth century and in the “Cunto de li cunti” it was already “pizzella”. The most delicious ragu? It is the one with chocolate and Marsala: there are so many historical curiosities illustrated in the project “Food, territory and sociality. The nutrition in the territory coexist between daily life and representations” that the Neapolitan Society of Patriarch History and the State Archives of Avellino have enclosed in a “virtual exhibition” available online (

The initiative, accompanied by a conference, in collaboration with the Department of Humanities Studies of the University of Naples Federico II, supported by the Campania Region, builds a historical, literary, anthropological and iconographic narrative, based mainly on the enhancement of bibliographic, documentary heritage, of prints, drawings and photos of the historical institution founded in Naples in 1875. The conference will open with the two days of 23 and 24 June, scheduled in the conference room of the Society of Patriarch History, in the extraordinary frame of the Maschio Angioino. On June 25, he will be in the State Archives of Avellino.