Record numbers for Napoli Pizza Village

Napoli, il Lungomare Caracciolo

Record numbers for “Napoli Pizza Village” edition 2014! There have been more than half a million, in fact, people who have visited the stands of the taste set up on the Lungomare Caracciolo. “Five hundred thousand presences” that they did cheer the organizers. “Mission accomplished!” Said, satisfied, the president of the Pizzaiuoli Neapolitans, Sergio Miccù, who organized the event, at the end of the final evening. Over one hundred thousand pizzas out of the oven, but the audience also appreciated the internal events of the event. It proved to be satisfied by the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris: “This edition has confirmed as through collaboration between public and private is possible to obtain valuable results, especially in the economic sector-tourism in our city”.


The 13th World Championships of Pizzaiuolo – Trophy Caputo, who graduated from the new champion Valentino Libro from Quarto (Na), was among the most indicative of affluence of visitors, but also stormed the area Family Village where 12 of the pizza masters have taught aspiring amateur Pizzaiuoli, but which has received over 10 thousand requests for participation. Even the stage performances, run by the official radio station Kiss Kiss Network, has had a large membership.
Budget, therefore, more than adequate for the fourth edition of the Napoli Pizza Village, but now the organization is already working on next year. Lease the work program which will start later this month from Monaco of Bavaria to meet with the Mayor and establish a partnership with the Oktoberfest. It will then be the turn of Milan Expo (May-October 2015) where Napoli Pizza Village will host the Italian pavilion, while in March will expire on the date of submission of the petition – launched by the former Minister of Agriculture in Naples, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio (now has 11,763 signatures already) – for the insertion of pizza in the list of intangible heritage. Finally Napoli Pizza Village will fly to New York on the occasion of the Marathon City (November 2015), to celebrate the Neapolitan pizza in the central square of Time Square.
