#SlowSudVillage, in Torre Annunziata the feast of taste


From July 3 to 4, in the splendid Villa Comunale of Torre Annunziata, will take place “#SlowSudVillage“, two-day event to celebrate the first year of the Group Purchasing and Sustainable Organic (Gabs). There will be tastings, tastings, workshops food, fair with exhibition and sale of agricultural and Vesuvius bell, music and debates.
The leaders of the four Slow Food Vesuvius expose local products (tomato Piennolo, old tomato Napoli, Neapolitan Papaccella and cannellini bean Acerra), not to mention the four wines Vesuvius in the Slow Wine Guide 2015 (Cantine Olivella, House Setaro, Villa Dora, Wines Sorrentino) and the “treasures” of quality agriculture Vesuvius (apricots, eggplant, peppers croissant, extra virgin olive oil, mulberries, plums, cherries, bean tile, craft beer Vesuvius). On the same occasion it will be also presented the basket of fruit biodiversity Vesuvius. The festival opens Friday, July 3 am to 6 hours pm with the Laboratory on handmade pasta devised by Rita Arpaia and led by “Art of Pasta” Cuomo and Edoardo Ferrone and with the Laboratory Kids on fruit Vesuvius – Game-workshop led by Pina Celone, with the participation of the nutritionist Luisa Balzano. Then there will be the launch of the new packaging of milk of Campania by the Consorzio Latte Nobile Campanian Apennines.
At 7.30 hours pm, as part of “Actions that change the world” he will be presented the literary prize “Books # AgireCivile” by Literary Cafe “NuoveVoci” Towards South and Slow Food Vesuvius. Introduces Alberto Capasso, vice president of Slow Food Campania. At 8.00 hours pm The City of Torre Annunziata and Free, Presidio of Torre Annunziata “Raffaele Pastore Luigi Staiano”, as part of the national campaign “Poverty Ladra”, propose the “Day By Luigi Staiano with the commitment to counter the poverty “.
The time will serve to illustrate the contents of the Project for the Collection evening of food, yet genuine, in retail outlets (restaurants, pizzerias, rotisseries, panetteri), concentrate them into structures that provide for the distribution to the needy.
Participants: Angela Staiano, widow of Louis Staiano, Giosuè Starita, mayor of Torre Annunziata, Giuseppe Di Palma, Councillor for Social Policies of the City of Torre Annunziata, Antonio D’Amore, the provincial representative and Pordfidio Monda, ruling Social Policy.
On July 4, starting from 6 hours pm, will begin the Workshop on fruit Vesuvius Kids Game-laboratory headed by Annalisa De La Ville, with the participation of the nutritionist Luisa Balzano, and the interactive workshop led by Patrizia Spigno – Trust of Slow Food Vesuvius
At 8 hours pm, as part of “Actions that change the world”, we will address the theme “The encyclical of Pope Francis and the integral ecology”. Don Nicola LombardiArchbishopric Caserta, director of ISSR San Pietro, Giuseppe Orefice – Regional President Slow Food Campania, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza – National President of Legambiente will be interviewed by Vatican journalist, Carmine Alboretti, co-director of Altrimondi News. At 9 pm #SlowSudSoundVillage Free expression of youth musical groups (Ga-rage, Jazz and go, Knickers). Every night at 8 pm: Vesuvian wines will be presented and described in space by Marina Alaimo Vesuvian Wine – Wine Writer.