Parco Virgiliano, where nature has been exceeded


Imagine an oasis surrounded by greenery, there, in the heart of Naples.
An oasis with breathtaking views at 150 meters above sea level, picturesque and steep cliffs with tuff outcrops on the characteristics typical of natural sculptures.
All surrounded by hundreds of trees and shrubs of different species. Well, open your eyes: you are exactly in the beautiful Virgilian Park, the pride of the neighborhood “good” Posillipo, one of the places most admired by tourists and locals visiting the treasures of the city of Partenope.

But we discover more about the origins of this Garden of Eden on earth.
The park was built in the twenties of the twentieth century, soon after the end of World War I, on the orders of the then High Commissioner for the Province of Naples and later opened in 1930 under the name of Victory Park, just to remember the success the Italian army in the Great War.
It was in those years that, in the large garden, according to the dictates of the fascist regime that had wanted the building was built a sports facility, which still exists, with a football field and a running track.

Thus, the space was born as a place to regenerate not only the spirit but also and above the body, intent in fact not difficult to reach these heights.
How not to be regenerated before the spectacle offered by the natural terraces overlooking the blue of the enchanting islands of Procida, Ischia and Capri and the island of Nisida? The glance at this latitude, is an absolute delight!
Not to mention the entertainment given by the bays of the Gulf of Bacoli, Monte di Procida and Sorrento Coast to the Bay of Trentaremi with its archaeological remains.
All wrapped up in one amazing piece of paradise grafted on the gentle slopes of the hill of Posillipo.


But do not forget that the green lung located on the tip of the promontory of Coroglio, then called “Virgilian” in honor of the Roman poet who is believed buried here, went through difficult times in the past and neglect.
It ‘ was in fact only since 1999 that the estate were made substantial changes designed to improve it. Changes that are worth seeing in detail.
Thanks to the collaboration between the City of Naples and the Faculty of Architecture, University Federico II, in fact it have been prepared and approved a detailed plan for redevelopment of the site for the creation of a public park.

It was to achieve four key objectives, including the elimination of paved areas in favor of green areas, the preservation and restoration of the existing vegetation, the reconquest of scenic spots and the final elimination of barriers and internal subdivisions.
The fruits of the work have become visible since 2002, the year of the inauguration of the new plant that has returned to the citizens and to the patrons a fundamental place of sport, nature and gathering place for families, youth and sports intent to spend hours of fun and lightheartedness in one of the most beautiful scenery of the city. Seeing to believe.

Parco Virigilano
Viale Virgilio, 80123 Napoli