Naples, in Sant’Eligio Maggiore the Epiphany who gives…a smile


Neapolitans generous, law enforcement officers, intellectuals, the world of art and music: Saturday, January 10, at 18.30, will gather together to give a smile to the children of the historic center of Naples. It happens in the spaces of the monumental church of Sant’Eligio Maggiore, one of the oldest in Partenope, a short walk from the piazza Mercato and from the places of the revolution of Masaniello. Here, with the special participation of Fanfare Bersaglieri Garibaldi Brigade, the children will live a special moment. Thanks to the generosity of so many come, in fact, the seventeenth edition of “Donate a toy and gives a smile” the usual Befana, promoted from the Asso.Gio.Ca. (Catholic Youth Association), the volunteer organization that deals with the area of children in need and their families. “A much anticipated event for our children – says the president of Gianfranco Wurzbuger – especially since, in addition to the gift, you live an evening of sharing and solidarity. The goal of our organization is to subtract the boys to the temptations of the road, as well as said Don Bosco, to make them grow as good Christians and honest citizens”.

The toys were donated this year, especially by the Neapolitans, the Chamber of Commerce and from Mall Natural Antique Shops Textiles Piazza Mercato. Were collected by volunteers of the association and will be distributed during the evening presented by the actor Gabriele Blair will see how exceptional godmother Valentina Stella and the expected performance of the orchestra formed by the students of the institute including “Campo del Moricino” and the gospel choir “Accademia Musica è”. In addition there is an intervention of the magician Franklin. This year there will be a special appearance of Fanfare Bersaglieri Brigade Garibaldi thanks to the Minister of Defense who wanted to grant His high patronage, the soldiers of the Italian Army “with their presence, will be a testimony of legality” concludes Colonel Antonio Grilletto (Press Office Army).