A magic potion. The “married soup”

Ministra maritata

The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

Typical Christmas and Easter recipe, in Campania it’s one of those dishes that has collected many variations over time and different methods of preparation. The result, however, is unique. So many flavors mixed together that make up a rich and full of flavor dish.

Ingredients (for 4 people):

150 g ham ( 3 slices 50 g )
150 Neapolitan salami ( not thin cut )
150 gr sausage
500 g lean beef
300 grams of chicken hip
1 carrot
1 celery
1 onion
1 bundle of parsley
500 grams of escarole
500 grams of beets
350 grams of borage
250 grams of chicory
100 gr grated Parmesan cheese
1 parmesan peel

Making of recipe

Cut into strips salami and ham. Deprive the sausage from the gut and crumble it. Cut the lean beef  stew-like. Same cut for the hip of chicken. In a saucepan, prepare the meat broth. Use enough water to boil ham, salami , beef and chicken hip adding the carrot, celery and parsley. It takes about an hour to cook the meat. During this time, add the Parmesan peel, cut into slices and add salt to taste. Every now and then foam will form that you will absolutely remove with a ladle. In another pot, after being thoroughly rinsed and dried, put it to boil all the vegetables without cooking them fully because they will have to continue cooking with the meat broth. Drain the vegetables and then, when the meat broth is done, add to this. One more hour on the fire. A few minutes before turning off the heat, add the grated Parmesan cheese too, stirring thoroughly. At the same time, check the salting and possibly adjust. Check the softness of the flesh now frayed and turn off letting it rest for a while. Someone likes to eat it warm as well, however, someone prefers it lukewarm. It’s for you to decide.