Flavors of earth. Scialatielli the Cantina Barbera

Scialatielli melanzane e provola

The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

The scialatielli was born from the imagination of a great chef in the late ’60s. As a dialect term derives from the verb “scigliaà,” which in Neapolitan indicates the act of “mess”. So translating the verb into Italian, it referring it to the hair, it would mean “ruffle”, tousle, derange. And, if you look at a steaming plate of scialetielli, appear just like a disorganized mass of dough.

Ingredients for 4 people: 400 gr scialatielli made ​​with semolina flour and water, 400 g hanging cherry tomatoes, provolone Agerola 250 g, 250 g eggplant 50 g grated Parmesan cheese, garlic, olive oil, salt, basil

Making of recipe.

Fry in a pan eggplant cut into pleasure, taking care to eliminate much of the white inner section. Then let them dry on parchment paper. Next, in a large roasting pan with oil lead to a goldening garlic. Remove the garlic and cook the hanging cherry tomatoes cut in half. Meanwhile diced provolone. Scialatielli brought to cooking in a deep pan, then pour them into the pan along with the tomatoes wide also joining the cheese and sprinkle over during the creaming even Parmesan. Serve hot with beautiful basil, finely chopped.

Source: www.cantinalabarbera.it