Casarecce with arugula pesto and bacon


The traditional recipes

Gragnano pasta, wild rocket and a nice bacon of Benevento would be perfect for the trio of ingredients to cook this dish very special for the colors it offers. Rich green vegetables, white curls of Parmesan cheese and dark red sausage whipped. Makes it easy to prepare a scope that if well put in the poi is very effective for a dinner with friends.

Ingredients for 4 people: 400 gr Casarecce (Gragnano possibly), 100 grams bacon, 100 grams of parmesan, 100 g wild rocket, 1 tablespoon pine nuts, 1 shallot, olive oil, salt.


First we make the pesto. We wash very carefully so that the rocket then we dry it thoroughly with a nice kitchen cloth. If we can cut it in half with your hands and not with the knife and put it in a bowl to blend it with an immersion blender (minipiper). But first we add two cups of olive oil, half the grated Parmesan cheese, a tablespoon of pine nuts and a bit ‘of salt. Shake but do not make for a long time, otherwise the pitch is filled with air. Then put it aside. In large pan, which will then contain the dough whisk, put oil, finely chopped shallots and pancetta cut into strips (are prettier than the usual cubes).

Cooked or even toasted bacon, turn off. Cook the pasta, salting little, that the tooth put in large pan together with the pesto first. Take some time and stir Serve when you add the remaining grated Parmesan cheese curls in this time. Enjoy your meal.