Ladies wew born, not made. And “she” was born. The Caprese


The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

We are in  Capri,  in the twenties of the last century and it is said that the chef Carmine Di Fiore forgot to put the flour in a cake made of almonds prepared for three gangsters , who arrived on the island to buy a round of spats for Al Capone. An unforgivable mistake for a chef ! But this cake was so pleased to diners that they wanted to know the name . Since then quickly spread the Caprese: sweet almond and chocolate , low, slightly crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside … an explosion of flavor of chocolate and almonds.

Ingredients: 250 g blanched almonds , 250 g sugar, 200 g of dark chocolate, 6 eggs , 150g butter , 1 pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder , 1 cup of cognac. Icing sugar for decoration.


In a bowl, melt the butter with the chocolate, this operation can be done in a double boiler or microwave .

Coarsely chop the almonds and keep aside .

Whisk , not very firm , the white eggs with a tablespoon of sugar and put them in the fridge.

Meanwhile mount , preferably with an electric mixer , the egg yolks with the remaining sugar .

With the help of a spatula, gently add to the mixture , alternating liquids to solids , the chocolate and the butter melted (but not very hot ) , the liqueur and almonds ; at the end of the baking powder and sieved and white eggs.

Pour into a mold of 26 cm in diameter , previously buttered and floured , and bake at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.

Turn out the cake onto a serving dish and allow to cool . When cool sprinkle with icing sugar.
