Tradition exalts the sublime taste

mozzarella di bufala campana

Sometimes taste needs closed eyes and less good manners to reach its climax. It is just a whisper, eat it with the hands. Because pleasure does not accept rules. A bite, the first. Drops of buffalo milk from Campania, palate and mind enthuse, the eyes tend to get closed. Only these side effects guarantee that it is a “Ponte a Mare” mozzarella. Another bite to understand that behind this masterpiece there is a long tradition and a careful process. Paolo brothers, Gianfranco and Antonio, keep in mind their father’s lesson: only Italian forage to feed the buffaloes, and the milk, brought to the dairy after a maximum of 12 hours after milking, filtered from impurities with systems that leave unaltered its nutritional qualities. “Ponte a Mare” dairy is well known by people from all over the world, who have learned to savour real mozzarella together with trecce, bocconcini, ricotta and smoked provole. Tasty produce that need to be eaten with a touch of transgression…

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
via Domiziana km 34.070
Castelvolturno (Caserta)
Tel.  +39.0823.851.525