The artisans of Neapolitan coffee

Ancient methods of production and an accurate selection of the best raw materials: these are the secrets of the historical Neapolitan company which guarantees an unmatched taste in its coffee

artigiani caffè napoletano - italmoka
artigiani caffè napoletano - italmoka

Ancient methods of production and an accurate selection of the best raw materials: these are the secrets of the historical Neapolitan company which guarantees an unmatched taste in its coffee.

The Italmoka company was founded at the end of the 1920s by Mario Marra, an outstanding coffee and man-minded designer with a great spirit of initiative. His sons Guido and Giuseppe have, since then, modernized the company, preserving the wood-based toasting process and always choosing the best raw material available from leading coffee producing countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and India.

Even today, Alessandro Marra, the third generation of the dynasty, scrupulously applies the ancient family tradition, to obtain blends of high quality in taste and aroma. One can  taste the Italmoka coffee in half of the bars in the city of Naples. But, it can also be enjoyed at home or in the office: via the Ebay shop, it it possible to buy packs of 250g or the mythical waffles.

Coffee Italmoka
Via Tiberio 75, Naples
Tel. +39