Caserecce with sausage and zucchini. Rich dish, shove in it

Caserecce con salsicce e zucchine

The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

Sausage and zucchini never betray the palate. Together then ensure sure satisfaction for the diners. As a third element to the recipe, we recommend “Provolone del Monaco”, but any hard cheese, we believe, would match well with those two basic ingredients.

Ingredients (for 4 people):

400 g Caserecce pasta
250 g small zucchini
200 g provolone del monaco
4 medium-sized sausages
olive oil
salt and pepper

Making of recipe.

Finely slice the zucchini. Put them to fry in a pan together with crumbled sausage and enough oil. When cooked, add pepper to taste. Meanwhile cook the pasta “al dente”. Pour it into the pan with the sauce and stir. After turning off the heat, add “Provolone del Monaco” cheese curls. Serve with a basil leaf.