The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.
For those who do not like to spend much time in the kitchen, this dish is made to measure . Its simplicity hasn’t to suggest a lack of flavor. The presence of a spice brings him within the law among the most fragrant dishes of Neapolitan cuisine . Preponderance of green with courgettes and mint , motivate the name of this first dish .
Ingredients (for 4 people):
400g spaghetti
4 medium-sized courgettes
1 egg
1 shallot
1 clove of garlic
Mint leaves
Making of recipe.
Saute the garlic in the oil in a frying pan . Afterwards , remove it , and let it fry the sliced shallot finely. Then add the courgettes, cut into rounds earlier ones, and cook over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes. If necessary add a bit ‘ of water. Bring pasta to firm cooking, pour into the pan with the courgettes and add the egg . Stir quickly because it grows together. Serve hot adorning plates with a mint leaf .