Naples in the many faces of art, exhibitions arrive in May


It’s a cultural offer 360 degrees that offered by the City of Naples, promoter of the month of May of the Monuments of Naples, the initiative which, remember, will run until next June 1 and that in a short time has already been a great success of the public.
Many appointments in the calendar that bring tourists and visitors to discover the natural beauty , cultural and artistic of which one is located in the city of the Gulf.

And after exploring the historical, by the young students of neapolitan schools have discovered the wonderful artistic works on display in the city of Naples, with the support of numerous cultural associations participating in the project, it is now time for a quick roundup on major exhibitions, provided within the busy schedule of the events of May made ​​in Naples .

Let’s start with what you can say was the event par excellence of the last month: the exhibition of Andy Warhol’s “showcase” exhibition in the museum Pan, the Palace of Arts in Naples until July 20 will host as many as 180 works of greatest exponent of pop art ,with particular reference to the artistic production of the seventies, the period when the artist was very whimsical in contact with the city of Naples.

Still, let’s move on the side of the sacred , and then to discover the hidden masterpieces of the Treasure of San Gennaro, whose wonders can be visited until next July 20.
Recall that this is one of the most important and wealthy goldsmith’s art treasures in the world, a heritage that boasts seven hundred years of history and which, thanks to numerous donations , has remained intact over time, to be successful even beyond the Alps, reaching to Paris , where a part of the glittering heritage of faith, will remain on display until July 20, in the Maillol Museum.


Let’s suite the journey through the major institutions and museums in the city we stop at Madre, the museum of contemporary art via Settembrini which will be open until August 18th retrospective of Ettore Spalletti , “One day, so white, so white”.
How then does not devote space to the figure of Benedetto Croce, the philosopher from whom inspired the whole theme of the show?
Here we are then in the gardens of the Basilica of Santa Chiara scene of a permanent exhibition of “steel and rust” on which is an inscription from the great philosopher Abruzzo comes from his short story ” The Legend of Nicholas Fish” all by the social cooperative Pegasus.

Finally, we close with another homage to a scene stealer Neapolitan theater (and not only of those!), The great Eduardo de Filippo, whose immense artistic production is celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the death through the scenes that accompanied him on stage during career, but also props and personal items. All on display inside what was once the artist’s personal dressing Naples, Teatro San Ferdinando.

May of Monuments, stories and legends Neapolitan
1 May to 1 June 2014
Full program at: